Friday, October 17, 2014

Should'a put a ring on It...:)

No, this post isn't about losing your cell phone when it's on silent mode. Or on vibrate....that's a whole other blog post.

This post is about gay marriage.

Sh*t just got real in Arizona!

I stole the above avatar meme from my friend (I will refer to her here as Cheryl, mostly because her name is Cheryl). I woke up this morning to find this on one of my 4, 957 social media sites, and I got very excited! Not only because my cat was standing uncomfortably on my left breast, with her butt directly in my face...but also because I was VERY happy for Cheryl and her girlfriend! I mean, look at the SIZE of that rock! I'm pretty sure it's either a diamond, or Cheryl was playing some kind of practical joke on her girlfriend with a ring box and a flash camera (SNAP! 'Ha! I got your picture! You should see the look on your face!').

I think my friends are engaged to be married!

Like, REAL married! Not that "separate but equal" civil union archaic bullcrap...but actual 'institutionally validated, whether you like it or not' MARRIED! Cheryl (if that's even her real name) had BETTER invite me!

Of course we have a mutual straight male friend (I will refer to him here as Dick, mostly because his name is Keith) who had a few questions. This is reasonable...I mean, this a a rapidly occurring social change, and it is bound to create some questions as it unfolds.

Dick's questions was, "How do you decide who does the proposing?" That's a valid question, given that all of the previously taken-for-granted gender dictated roles have to be re-negotiated.

He then wondered (OUT LOUD, no less) if Cheryl's proposal was partially determined by the fact that she is 'vertically conservative,' and therefore closer to the ground for that whole "down on one knee" tradition.

Excellent question, Dick! I hope I get to visit with you again before Cheryl kills you!

Anyway, as I said-things just got real in Arizona...and a lot of other states recently. Circuit court decisions are declaring any definitions of marriage that specifically excludes gay and lesbian people to be unconstitutional...I mean, duh! So now, if you have some kind of problem with gay marriage, my biggest recommendation to you would be to NOT marry a gay person!

A few days ago, it happened in Alaska. I'm from Alaska, and I NEVER thought that could happen in my lifetime. The six gay people (and four gay moose) up there are thrilled!

I'm kidding! There are LOTS of gay people up in Alaska! So many people are lining up outside of City Hall in Anchorage to get their licenses that there is almost nowhere left to park the rainbow clad dogsleds! It's chaos. Big, gay chaos!

I would love to see it.

As a lesbian and a sociologist, I'm just blown away. I'm humbled by the many who went before us, risking everything to challenge the system. They paid the price for this, which is what activists do. Dominance and oppression can only function in silence, so to those who made the noise...YOU ARE BRAVE AND AMAZING! THANK YOU!

As for you, Dick? I would try to hide from Cheryl before she hits you with one of her gorgeous, spike-heeled, fancy, ornamental, stunt shoes. I wouldn't try hiding in one of the few states left that still outlaws gay marriage...

Discriminatory laws...they are toppling like dominoes. Black and white dominoes.

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