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It's all part of their diabolical plan... |
So, depending on which studies you consult, somewhere between 85-95% of the population is "straight." I guess this means that the "straights" aren't going to be going anywhere anytime soon, and that we gays are just going to have to learn to live with them. I had kind of been hoping they would all just move to Branson, Missouri...and be happy there with their big belt buckles, neatly coiffed hair, and matching polyester leisure suits.
Since it appears that isn't going to happen, I'm going to choose tolerance.
I've heard about the so called "straight agenda," and I always thought it was some kind of deliberate attempt to make my consumption of bananas awkward. As you can see from the above picture, their plan has been pretty effective. At least in my case. Still, I decided that I could live with the inconvenience...maybe even use it to my advantage to work through some deep-seated emotional issues I have with patriarchy...
But, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (UH OH). I think there is more to it than just bananas. And cucumbers. And some varieties of squash. And hot dogs. And corn, if you are really freaky.
It occurs to me that the straights are EVERYWHERE, and they have been pushing their lifestyle on me since the day I was born...trying to make their personal, private choices appear to be the only option around...infiltrating Toys R Us pushing their baby dolls and E-Z Bake ovens on me before I even knew what was happening to me...steering me into clothing store sections dominated by frilly, delicate, fragile, pink things that constricted my movements and ability to climb trees.
I don't even LIKE pink (except under some very specific circumstances which I won't cover here).
It has dawned on me that they have been DELIBERATELY working to influence my choice of life partners with the strange and repetitive message that, "someday my Prince will come."
Ewwww!!! No!
Don't threaten me!
Even worse, THEY have totally positioned themselves in the political arena...and not only were our gay marriages demeaned and belittled...apparently they were even ILLEGAL!!! Fortunately, that's almost and finally becoming just a silly part of our country's past...although from time to time I really worry that the hetero handling of marriage (cheating, dysfunction, divorcing at really high rates, remarrying over and over again, having horrid bridemaid dresses) is going to cheapen the meaning of marriage in general...but, again...I'll be tolerant, because I apparently have to be.
Look, I don't care what the straights do in the privacy of their own homes...but I don't appreciate their whole lifestyle being constantly rammed down my throat (so to speak). Consenting adults can do what they want to behind closed doors...but it's almost as if the straights FLAUNT their sexuality...kissing each other in public, holding hands...using their sexuality to sell beer, and cars. And Yoplait yogurt.
I honesty don't care if they are straight, as long as they ACT gay in public...or at least keep their affections to themselves.
Not long ago you couldn't even turn on the TV or go to a movie without seeing heterosexuals doing sex stuff to each other. Thank goodness gay people in the entertainment industry started speaking up, and coming out in droves. I mean, we are kind of over-represented in the entertainment industry due to the fact that we have a disproportionate level of talent and fabulousness amongst our people.
Discriminatory actions and offensive/insulting language are now considered unacceptable in a pretty big way...and often result in consequences for the people who are doing it. I guess in Hollywood that can include "blacklisting"...and be a real career killer (kind of like being "outed" as a gay person USED to be).
Gee, that's too bad! It's sad that the homophobic people are being forced into a closet through the mechanisms of ostracizing and social disapproval. I'll bet it's dark and claustrophobic in there.
I think the response of accusing gay people of having a "gay mafia" to enforce this stuff is kind of silly. It reminds me of someone asking, "Do these pants make my butt look big?" Well, no. It's your large butt that makes your butt look big.
"Do these offensive statements make me look like a homophobic idiot?"
Well, actually, yes. But, it's also your homophobic idiocy that makes you look like a homophobic idiot.
It doesn't matter what pants you wear. At least large butts can be attractive.
There is a concept in sociology called, "relative deprivation." In this context, a person in a previously privileged position will possibly find themselves feeling deprived, threatened, or angry when those who had previously been oppressed start gaining EQUAL standing. Equality itself can seem like an intrusion.
Gay people pointing out the obvious, making noise about it, refusing to hide any longer (in fact, making visibility a protest tool), turning the tables, exposing discriminatory elements in our culture, confronting someone when they offend, and YES...using their positions of power and authority to enforce the point...these are elements of a social change movement. Not a "mafia." That's funny.
If we DID have a mafia, we would somehow have to advance beyond straight men (such as Tom Hanks or Robin Williams) playing gay characters in the movies. We would even need to advance beyond GAY men playing gay characters in the movies. What we would need is some kind of secret super weapon to REALLY blow the presumption of heterosexuality out of the water.
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Boom! Take THAT! |
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This frog is female, blue, and totally subversive. |
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